How To Perform A Basic SEO Audit On Your Website


 After consulting with many business owners and website managers, I can honestly say this is one of the most requested tutorials: How to perform a basic SEO audit on your website. It seems that in today's day and age you can't have a successful business without knowing how to drive traffic to your site, what keywords are the best ones to use and how to optimize your site for better search engine rankings.

How To Perform A Basic SEO Audit On Your Website

Is Your Site Mobile Friendly?

You want your site to be accessible to everyone. That means it needs to look good on a mobile device, not just a computer screen. Nearly half of all web traffic comes from mobile devices, which means you're missing out on visitors if your site isn't mobile friendly.

The good news is, you can make it so your site looks great on any device. We're experts in responsive design—the technique that allows a website to appear as intended no matter whether the visitor is using a desktop, laptop, tablet or phone. When we build your website, you won't have to worry about losing customers because of a glitch on their end or yours.

We can also help you with your internet marketing strategy by providing search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing (SMM) and social media optimization (SMO). Our team will make sure that customers can find you easily and quickly on the web and will be able to share your content with others for even greater visibility.

There's no doubt that having a solid online presence is crucial—especially in today's digital landscape—and we're here to help! Reach out to us today so we can discuss how our services can help boost your business.

What Are Your Top-Performing Keyword Phrases?

We help businesses achieve online growth using the long-proven best practices of search engine optimization (SEO) and social media optimization (SMO).

Our SEO strategies include a deep analysis of your site to ensure it is optimized for search engines, as well as the creation of high-quality content to both drive traffic and improve your ranking. We also perform link-building, which helps to make you a more authoritative presence on the internet.

Our SMO strategies focus on creating engaging content, building brand awareness, and developing a community around your business. We look at what's trending in your industry and how we can take advantage of it to boost your traffic and overall online presence.

Do You Have An XML Sitemap And Robots.txt File Set Up on Your Website?

If you want your small business to be found on Google, you need to have an XML sitemap and robots.txt file set up on your website.

What is an XML sitemap?

An XML sitemap is basically a roadmap of the pages on your website that you want search engines to crawl.

An XML sitemap allows search engines to find all of the important pages on your website, so you have a better chance of getting more traffic from search results.

What is a robots.txt file?

A robots.txt file is like an instruction manual for search engines when it comes to crawling your website. You can tell search engine crawlers whether or not they should index certain pages, and if they can follow links from certain pages.

How Strong Is Your Internal Linking Structure?

No matter how big or small your website is, your internal linking structure can make a big difference. If you don’t have an internal linking structure, then your visitors won’t be able to find what they are looking for and you may lose some potential customers.

If you are just starting out in the world of SEO, this is the best time to build internal links. However, if you already have a website that has been live for awhile and it has lots of backlinks, then this article will help you understand what internal links are and how they can help improve your rankings.

What is an Internal Link?

Internal links are links from one page on your site to another page on your site. They are used to help visitors navigate around your site and to provide more details about certain topics on the site. This also helps search engines find other pages on your site so that it can rank them higher in their search results.

Why You Should Build Internal Links

One of the main reasons why you should build internal links is because it will help improve your search engine rankings. When people search for something online, they usually want to know what’s going on with a certain topic. If there aren’t any internal links pointing towards

Does Your Website Load Quickly?

It's a common question we get asked all the time. The answer is: it depends. There are many reasons a website might be slow to load, and each one needs its own solution. We explain some of them below.

Slow Server Response Time

If your server response times are slow, then that is the first place to look for issues. You can test your server response time using Google's PageSpeed Insights tool or Pingdom Tools' Website Speed Test.

Once you have your server response time, you can see if it is within the boundaries set by Google's benchmarking data. If it is faster than average, then your server isn't the issue (however, there are other things to check before ruling out other potential problems). If it is slower than average, then you'll need to work with your host to optimize your website and increase its speed. Some hosts will work with you on this for free; others may charge a fee.

Excessive Redirects

If your website has too many redirects, that can also contribute to slow loading times. A redirect is when one URL forwards visitors to another URL. The number of redirects that are acceptable depends on how fast each one loads

Is Your Content Original, Fresh and Frequent?

The days of keyword-stuffed articles and blog posts that were written purely for search engine optimization are long gone. Google is constantly updating its algorithm to find high quality content, so what you should be focusing on is getting original, fresh and frequent content out there. This can be challenging for many businesses though, who simply don't have the bandwidth or the resources to create content on a regular basis.

This is where third party contributors come in. Whether it's a full-time freelancer or a company that specializes in creating original content for businesses, using an outside source to help you with your content creation can be an excellent way to make sure that you're getting quality work done without having to hire another employee.

If you're looking for a great resource to help you with your content creation needs. They offer affordable services that will allow you to focus on other aspects of growing your business while they take care of your content creation needs!

Do You Have A Clear Value Proposition On Every Page Of Your Website?

Attention online marketers, e-business owners, and social media experts: If you have a website for your business, then you need to make sure that your value proposition is clear on every page of that website.

If you're not sure what a value proposition is, it's the reason why someone should do business with you instead of your competitors. It's what makes you different from everyone else who provides the same or similar products or services.

A strong value proposition states exactly what it is that your company offers and how it will benefit the customer. It's more than just a list of features—it explains why those features matter.

You want potential customers to know right away what makes you special, so they'll stick around long enough to learn more about your company and ultimately buy from you. The best way to do this is by providing a clear value proposition on every page of your website.

Some examples of effective value propositions include the following:

  • "Grow Your Business With Us"
  • "Save Time And Money"
  • "Get A Free Consultation"

Are You Doing Guest Blogging On Relevant And Established Websites?

Guest blogging is a great way to get your name and your business out there. It's also a great way to help people who want to learn more about your industry. If you can guest blog, then you should. But remember, there are some things that you should keep in mind when you're doing guest blogging so that it doesn't end up hurting your business in the long run.

Guest Blogging On Relevant And Established Websites

One of the first things that you need to do when it comes to guest blogging is make sure that you are finding the right websites for it. Guest blogging on relevant and established websites can help to give you a lot of traffic and a lot of exposure. It can also help you with some SEO, but only if the website has a good reputation!

What does this mean? Well, many people think that they can guest blog on just any old website that will allow them to do so. This is not true! There is a big difference between guest blogging on an established website and one that's just starting out or even one that has been around but isn't very well known. The latter two are often considered "spam" by Google and other search engines, which means that they won't rank as well as.

Perform this basic audit of your website now to make improvements that will help it move up in the search engine rankings

If you're running a business—especially if you're an online business—you know there's nothing more important than the website that drives your brand: It's the first impression, it's where your customers go to learn more about what you have to offer, and it's often the place where transactions take place.

However, it can be tough to know if your site is as effective as it can be. You may think it looks good, or you may be sick of looking at it and think that no amount of tweaking could ever make up for what you see as its basic flaws. The truth is that there are key elements of a website that actually do need to be present in order for your site to be successful, and those elements are what we're going to discuss today.

As an added bonus, these factors will also help your site move up in the search engine rankings. We all want our websites to outrank our competitors' sites, but few of us actually know how to make that happen!

The good news is that today we're going to walk you through a simple audit of your website so you'll know exactly which areas need improvement, and we'll also show you how making improvements in those areas will help improve your search engine ranking.


So, you've built your website and registered the relevant domains, but have you done everything possible to ensure that it will get noticed online? Probably not — and if you're serious about promoting your business and getting noticed on the Internet, then we strongly urge you to carry out a basic audit of your website. Doing so won't take long, but it will give you a better sense of how well optimized your site is for search engines. This can only help you as you try to improve your overall standing in search engines. Investing time in an SEO audit may seem like a daunting task, but it's truly not as bad as it sounds. Try some of our suggestions outlined above and see how they work for you!

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