Information about the IT major


New technology

Information about the IT major

Technology can be defined as the science that is concerned with studying all the modern applications and technologies that humans have excelled in serving humanity in general. Modern technology spread widely at the beginning of the twentieth century as a result linked to the Industrial Revolution

Technologies are all the additions made by man to facilitate life for all people, hence the need to teach information technology in universities and colleges, and in this article information about the specialization of information technology will be provided.

Information technology major

The IT major or the information technology major is the major that is concerned with the study of computers and their use in storing, processing, transferring and referring to information when needed. Programming and development of existing applications, the term information technology appeared for the first time in an article published in 1958 in its modern sense in the Harvard Business Review, which includes processing techniques and the use of statistical methods and mathematics in programming and advanced simulation processes through computer programs, and also includes information distribution technology On television and telephone, and information technology services are linked to computers, the Internet, electronics, communication devices and the concept of e-commerce. Electromechanical, which extended until the nineteenth century and most recently the The electronic stage that we are living in now with its various developments, and the specialization of information technology is widely welcomed by millions of people who study it around the world because of its importance in our daily lives in a fundamental and necessary way.

Areas of specialization in information technology

Information Technology is one of the ten most in-demand disciplines in the labor market, as it ranks fourth among them. It is expected that there will be more than 1.3 million job opportunities in the information technology sector in the near future. The information technology major can be studied and ramified into its various fields as follows:

  • Some people interested in the field of information technology study databases, Internet networks and computer systems, which some cannot expect how difficult this field is and how it works easily and smoothly with all its complexities. They do not work under the spotlight to ensure the integrity of all information systems.
  • Others who are interested in the field of information technology study the design and programming of information systems according to the needs of the organization working in it, and analyze the bases, data, networks and information systems.
  • It is also possible to study the information technology specialization in the field of developing technological devices, programs and applications that work on them, in order to make information systems more robust, secure and reliable. Those who work in this field are an engineer for smart devices and software or a software engineer.
  • Some people interested in the field of information technology also study the development of the Internet or the web and the design of various websites on the Internet, in order to give websites the best image that they can appear in a clear, simple and highly effective way.

Information technology majors

It is possible to study the information technology specialization in institutes, colleges and universities and obtain the approved certificate in them, and to increase the chance of obtaining a job through the information technology specialization certificate, there are several levels for obtaining the certificate, which are as follows:

  • Technician degree: This degree and certificate is obtained when studying information technology in community colleges and vocational schools for a period of two years, but when the job is obtained, the income will be low.
  • Bachelor's degree: This degree is obtained when studying at universities for a period of 4 years, and the chances of getting a job are 20 times more than people with a technician's degree.
  • Master’s degree: It is a completion of a bachelor’s degree and studying for two years, and this degree gives a job in a higher position or an executive position, where the experience is more and the person’s qualifications are greater.
  • Doctorate degree: It is a continuation of the bachelor’s and master’s degrees, where the duration of study is about five years, which includes providing new explanations in the field of information technology and is considered one of the most prestigious degrees and obtaining prestigious jobs because of it.
  • Online Information Technology Degree: A degree in information technology can be obtained by attending online courses for two years or more from accredited universities, when there is a financial obstacle and the high cost of studying in universities, as this method is flexible and available to everyone to study and obtain a certificate approved.

Information technology jobs

Holders of certificates in the field of information technology can obtain various job opportunities; Because this specialization is in great demand due to the technological developments that the world is witnessing now, and job opportunities in this specialty are increasingly growing more than 31%, and the salaries of workers in the field of information technology are very high and may reach $ 90,000 per year, and jobs can be obtained as Come:

  • Web development.
  • Internet and computer network systems management.
  • Database Administrator.
  • Information technology consultant position.
  • Computer Forensic Investigation
  • Software Engineering.
  • Design data models.
  • Smartphone application development.
  • Project management in information design.
  • Website design.
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